Saturday, November 21, 2015

Kitchen Knives

Since we are usually a paycheck-to-paycheck sort of family, our kitchen utensils have usually never been great. We cannot usually afford to spend money on new kitchen gadgets when we struggle each week and month to put food on the table and clothes on our back. I am not saying this to complain just explaining another reason why I started reviewing items for companies and how wonderful I think it is that these companies allow folks like us a privilege like this that we would not otherwise have.

This past week, we received free or at a discounted price this knife sharpener from Priority Chef in exchange for our honest and unbiased opinion.

We desperately needed this items as most of our kitchen knives were as dull the surface of a bowling ball! The sharpener worked great and in no time, we had all of our knives sharp and ready to cut through meat, vegetables, or whatever we decided to eat for the next meals.

The directions told us to put really dull knives through the larger slot on the left of the sharpener to take off the rough edges. It cautioned us to be careful because this side of the sharpener would take off chunks of metal.

Next the directions said to run the knives through the smaller slot on the right to finely sharpen the knives for use. Notice my hand model above sharpens this knife in no time! It took him less than 30 minutes to sharpen all of the knives in our kitchen and his pocket knife.

My teenage son wants to use it next to sharpen his pocket knife collection and his camping knives. Now we never again have to cut our meals with dull knives.


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